Version 1.7.2 29/05/2024
Updates on Swagger
Update Querys anntena/radome/receiver for endpoint /files
Updates in Swagger, new section, new order, new description on endpoints and rename Sections
Updates on Section RINEX File Metadata and URLs, new endpoints and add URL to the files in responses
Updates on Main Page of API
Version 1.7.1 07/03/2024
Changes to correctly handle '_' at the end of markers
Version 1.7.0 09/11/2023
Creation of two endpoints, location and equipment, which simplify many of the previously existing ones
All queries now use the comparison term '=' instead of 'ilike' when searching by station marker
New swagger2.json where the endpoints removed from swagger.json are located
New swagger, ordering endpoints, removing redundant end points, creating sections
Added to all endpoints the possibility of using LongMarkerName in conjunction with 4Marker
Correction of issue #104, Deleting temporary files and directories
More information was also added for the user when the API fails, in the "stations/v2/combination" endpoint
Add the format xml to size short in the "stations/v2/combination" endpoint
Add the posibility to use multipe markers on endpoint /files, when object_type is 'marker'
Version 1.6.1 15/09/2023
Update on /files/ to add the flag filtervalidatedfiles to default 0version=1.6.0 12/7/2023
Tidy up some code comments and create a new tag for general release to Glass Nodes.version=1.5.6 5/7/2023
Add new flag station_data, for list just station with data on endpoint list/{data} Example : station-marker?station_data=true Changes to correct table GNSS Stations with Products on ICS Portal Solve the issue "API /files/combinationT3 must return empty list if no files correspond to query" Add paging information, where appropriate, in the http response headers.version=1.5.4 26/5/2023
ICS key list alterations Search key marker for FILES now can use either marker, station-marker or marker-station Bug Fixesversion=1.5.3 22/5/2023
Paging and optional bad status file removal flag for all file queries : files/{object_type}/{object_instance}/{output_format} Added publish_date file type bug fixes with data_center_acronymsversion=1.5.2 08/5/2023
files v2 - improve exception handling, bug in radom return types
remove more deprecated end points
version=1.5.1 04/5/2023
Paging for some web services mostly related to files
New end point for discovering some null T3 values
Update 3rd party dependencies
Bug fixes
version=1.4.4 15/9/2022
In Web Service station/bbox/{minLon}/{minLat}/{maxLon}/{maxLat} procedure getStationShortV2GEOJSONics
Updated GeoJson Style for EPOS ICS
Returns Time Series Providers when available